Lamentation: Part Four

by Shaianne K. PeriHawk

You people really need to take a second look at your work if you think this could even come close to comparison. I'm not making any money off of these characters which are not my own. Lamentation is, but you can have her.

"One week."

Jubilee paused, then continued donning her uniform. "Are you ready?"

Lament examined the uniform Jean had made for her. Blue spandex covered her from neck to ankles with green ankle boots, gloves, knee and elbow pads. Lament had insisted on the green trenchcoat. "Yes. I am now." She and Gambit had talked deep into the night, about life, death, and the desire for both.

"Now are you ready for the Danger Room?" A half smile lit Jubilee・s face. "Especially with Wolvie at the controls."

The Twins grinned as they passed through the hydraulic powered door. As per their plan, they went in separate directions. Silent shadows flitted through the holographic forest. The women quickly discovered a FoH camp. By silent signals, they made a plan.

Lament darted close to the leaders, listening. Although she was silent and no body in the camp could have seen her, Logan had a bird・s eye shot of her from the control room. A new hologram appeared behind her and grabbed her by the nape. She twisted her body and wrapped her legs around his torso and boxed his ears. She planted one foot in his chest and kicked off.

Then she disappeared.

Moments later she appeared next to Jubilee. "What・d ya get?" Jubilee asked.

"They・re planning a bombing. They・re guarding their supplies over there." Lament pointed to the northern end of the camp.

"Wanna take it out?"

"I can rig one of the bombs to explode. That should get rid of the rest of ・em."

"I・ll cover your butt." The twins grinned at each other and took off. Lament chose her object and began to manipulate the wires. She chewed on her lower lip as her hands moved.

Suddenly she heard Jubilee・s quiet paffing behind her. Frantically she finished the wiring and ran to Jubilee・s side. She laid a hand on her sister・s shoulder and enhanced.

"Woohoo! Rock La-me!" Jubilee howled as the intensity of the plasma bolts increased.

Suddenly, Lament felt a tingling in her hands. "Uh, Ju-be?"

Jubilee already knew what was going on. "Point at the bad guys!" she shouted.

Lament raised her hands and plasma jumped from her hands into one of the FoH holograms. When a path cleared, Jubilee dove through with Lament right on top of her. They reached the door as an explosion rocked the holoworld.

They leaned against the door, panting in unison. The control room door opened. Beyond it stood Wolverine in his faded jeans, flannel shirt and leather jacket. The stub of a chewed up cigar was clenched between his teeth. "Needs work," he commented.

Behind him, dressed in jeans and a sleeveless white t-shirt, stood Gambit. "In Wolverine speak, d・at mean ・excellent・, chéres," he translated.

The twins grinned at each other. "What do we need to work on?"


"Y・know, roofs and wine coolers generally don・t mix," Jubilee commented as she took another sip.

"But this roof is so blasted big," Lament countered. "Besides, if we fall, it・ll just be to another roof!"

Jubilee giggled. "G・point!" She leaned over to clink bottles with Lament. "Cheers!"

"So, d・ya think they・ll really believe those pillows are is?" Lament asked.

Jubilee stared up at the starless night. "It don・t matter. No one・s gonna check on us."

"Y・know we・re gonna have hangovers, doncha?"


Lament giggled.


In the shadows of the roof, just above the inebriated women, Remy and Logan passed a bottle of whiskey back and forth. A red eyebrow rose in surprise at the giggle from Lament. She was usually so serious, depressed- lamenting.

D・at fille, she got a lot in her mind, but she can lose it in a moment of joy. Pariel à moi. Gambit closed his demonic eyes as he gulped. As he passed the bottle to Logan, his eyes went back to the Lees. They now stood side by side, singing "Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes" in Cantonese. His mouth twitched.

Jubilee and Lament collapsed in a heap of laughter. When they recovered, Lament turned serious.

"Logan is upset."

Jubilee nodded. "I know. It・s because o・ Cousin Vic."

Lament turned her head. "Y・shoulda told him at least."

"I know. It just never seemed like the right time." Jubilee sipped again before she went on. "He always scared me, you know that, La-me." Jubilee fell silent.

Gambit felt Wolverine tense up beside him when Lament mentioned Sabretooth.

"Ten years."


"I hadn・t seen him in ten years before I came here."

"What was he doin・?"

"I think he was gonna attack." Her voice trembled. "He・s changed. He・s crazier than he ever was. He・s always been kinda on the edge, but I think he went over it."

"I don・t think he even remembered me. By the time he did, he wanted to kill me too bad to care about any family relationships." Jubilee sat up and pulled her knees to her chest. "I-I couldn・t tell him, La-me, I just couldn・t." Tears started to stream from Jubilee・s eyes. Lament put her arm around her sister.

Gambit felt the tension drain from Wolverine・s body. He understood painful secrets. Both of them did.