Home from the Hill: Parts 1-3

by Ramos

Rating: PG for language

Category: Adventure

Disclaimer: These characters are the property of Marvel Comics, and no profit is made from their use.

Author's Note: I'm not even going to get into the whole 'how do they understand the native language of a planet they've never even heard of' dilemma. Hey, they never bothered on Star Trek, and they have a lot bigger budget than I do.

Note # 2: This is a different story arc than my 'Steppin' Out With Wolvie' series, and much darker. If you like it, let me know and I'll keep going.

Part One

Home is the sailor, home from the sea,
And the hunter home from the hill.



The bar was the same as any other bar between Westchester and Timbuktu, but the only redeeming quality to this one was the fact that it was the closest to his cabin in the wilds of Canada. The jukebox still played tunes that had been out of date for years, the bathroom wasn't fit for human habitation, and the whiskey was strong. No, that was really the best part. It was almost strong enough to make a man forget.

Wolverine signaled for another, and the aging peroxide blonde behind the counter filled his glass without comment. Night after night - not every night, but close enough - he came in, drank enough to kill a man, then walked out with perfectly steady feet and the dismal cloud that surrounded him intact. At first she'd tried to raise some conversation with the sullen man, but after being continually rebuffed, she'd taken the hint and filled his glass without removing the cigarette from her wrinkled, red-lipsticked lips.


Wolverine tossed back the amber liquid and considered ignoring the faint voice in his head. He was far enough away from Charles Xavier that the man might believe he was out of reach.


<*Go away, Chuck.*>

<*Logan. You must return to the mansion as soon as possible.*>

The man known as Wolverine hunched his shoulders and clenched the glass tightly in his hand. <*Like hell. I don't care if Magneto is tap dancing on yer front lawn, Chuck. I ain't going back there.*>

<*We found them.*>

"What!!!" he shouted, actually saying it aloud. <*Where? Is she all right?*> he demanded mentally, ignoring the bartender and the other patrons staring at him from the other end of the bar.

<*Pagnatolia, and she's fine, as is Bishop.*>

<*Pagna-wha? Izzat in South America?*>

A faint sigh echoed through the mental connection. <*It's a colonial outpost of the Shi'ar Empire.*>

Logan thought about it.

<*If I ever see that motherless bow-legged bastard Gateway again, I'm gonna gut 'im.*>

<*I find it hard to disagree with you, as it seems he was most likely responsible for Jubilee and Bishop's disappearance in the first place. However it happened, Scott and Jean have already taken off in the Raven. They will rendezvous with a Shi'ar cruiser. Hopefully, they'll be able to pick up our missing pair and have them home soon.*>

<*Hopefully, ya said. Is there a problem?*>

<*I'm not sure, but I received the distinct impression from Deathbird that Jubilee had been causing some・ difficulties.*>

A slow smile crossed Wolverine's face for the first time in the eight months his protégé and closest friend had been missing. <*That's my girl!*>


Scott and Jean Summers followed in the wake of the officious Shi'ar commandant Brial and her satellite flunky, weary of the officer's arrogant attitude after having been exposed to it for less than an hour now. The woman's stark and dramatic skin coloration was typical of a Shi'ar, and many of the officers in this compound were similarly of non-native origin. The majority of the military here were local, though, and while their skin and hair color were widely varied, they were physically closer to human norm, allowing the X-men to pass with little staring or hostile reaction. Interestingly, Scott noticed the locals did not salute their superior, while every Shi'ar they passed drew him or herself up and gave the respectful gesture that was completely ignored.

God, he just wanted to collect Jubilee and Bishop and get the hell out of here. The Shi'ar expansion had finally put down the local rebellion, which was a vicious if not very popular uprising. The planet was just leaving an agrarian stage and moving towards a technology based economy, and the old ruling class had been adamantly resistant to being absorbed by the Empire. The thought of his youngest team member caught in the revolution, with only Bishop to keep her safe, made his gut jump with the fear of what could have happened.

Wolverine had been adamant that she was still alive, saying he'd know if she were dead. Charles Xavier had admitted that the pair's close relationship could have established a bond similar to the psychic link that he and Jean shared, but the fact that Logan and Jubilee were not physically intimate, and therefore not as closely linked, had allowed doubt to creep in. As the months had gone by without any sign, even Wolverine had begun to lose hope and had taken off to his cabin in the north rather than face the seemingly empty house without the vibrant presence of his old partner.

Commandant Brial and her ensign aide turned down yet another corridor of this sprawling complex and entered a wide avenue full of milling troops. The locals were even more numerous here, and the Commandant equally ignored, but Jean did not miss the double take from one younger soldier who caught sight of the team's signature X'ed circle on her belt. Puzzled, she watched him out of the corner of her eye as she passed, and caught the same symbol on the man's tattered shirt, this time on his upper left chest, near (she supposed) his heart.

<*Scott, did you see that?*>


Obviously not, she thought to herself, then spied another on a woman ahead of them.

<*That woman. She has an X on her shirt.*>

Her husband was quiet for a moment, his gaze flicking over the woman who looked to be a good fifteen years older than himself, but still capable if judged by the strong arms revealed by a worn shirt. She was loading a floating pallet with some boxes, and did not look up as they passed her. A man wheeled out more supplies, and dumped them with a low comment to his companion.

<*He's got one, too.*>

<*It's a simple symbol, Jean. And the Professor didn't exactly put a galactic copyright on it.*>

The avenue widened again, opening into a circular cul-de-sac, cross-sectioned with traffic patterns that lead away to other corridors. In between, broad doors opened into briefing rooms while others were closed, presumably over similar areas. Across the open expanse, three men and one young woman, possibly still in her teens, crouched or sat against the far wall. Near them stood a broad shouldered, dark skinned giant, the tattooed "M" over one eye leaving no doubt to his identity. Scott raised one hand to hail him when the identity of the man at Bishop's shoulder sunk in.

"What in the HELL?" Scott muttered, and felt his wife's disbelief boiling across their shared link as they took in the sight of Victor Creed, also known as Sabretooth, standing shoulder to shoulder with their missing companion. The two of them were facing opposite directions, and the entire vicinity was covered under their combined vigilance. Nearly seven feet tall, he was the only person they knew who could tower over the usually imposing Bishop. Even as they paused, the hairy blond nudged the man next to him, drawing Bishop's attention to their presence. The dark, unshaven chin jerked once in recognition, but did not move towards them.

"There are your people, X-Man," declared Brial in her smug tone. "Take them, and get them off my planet."

"Where's Jubilee?" Jean demanded.

Brial turned to her aide, who consulted an electronic data pad and answered in a soft voice.

"I believe she had negotiations to settle. She should be out soon."

They moved towards the unlikely paired men just as the doors to one side opened and a local with a deep olive complexion and wearing an clean, intact commander's uniform stepped out, still conversing with the smaller woman beside him. The clasped wrists in agreement, then the older man moved to one side as over a dozen tall, broad-shouldered soldiers with varying shades of orange striped skin exited the room. The shabby bunch faced the woman with feathery black hair, then at a grunted signal, saluted as one, their right fist striking the circled X on their left pectoral. They held the salute until Jubilee returned it, then turned as a unit and followed the older officer down one of the corridors.

"Jubilee!" Jean shouted with relief, and overwhelming joy.

Jubilee's head twisted instantly and flashed a huge grin as she caught site of the couple hurrying towards her, then abruptly disappeared as the four lounging soldiers surged to their feet and interposed themselves between them. Scott and Jean pulled up short at the ragged, hostile group in front of them. Reflexively, Cyclops fingered his visor.

"Guys. Chill." The words were typical Jubilee, but the tone of command was something Jean had seldom heard from the smaller woman. The four paused, then reluctantly parted, once again revealing the object of nearly a year's search. Jean braced herself for one of Jubilee's exuberant hugs, and was surprised as only her arm was grasped by the wrist, just as Scott's was with Jubilee's other hand.

"I am so glad to see you guys, you can't believe it," she said fervently.

"Oh, honey, we've been looking for you for so long!" Jean's smile faltered as she reached out to touch the long white scar that creased Jubilee's high cheekbone.

"Wha・ Oh, yeah, that." She grinned ruefully, revealing the gap of a broken incisor tooth in direct line with the scar. "I bobbed when I should have weaved. Wolvie woulda smacked me, it was really dumb. Did he, uh, come with you?" Hope and resignation appeared briefly, then were quickly gone.

"I'm sorry, no, he's not." Scott knew how much it must hurt to not have him here when she needed him. "He was in Canada when we got the call from Deathbird. We didn't want to wait for him, but he ought to be home in time to welcome you back."

"No problem. I really, really missed you guys." She crossed her arms, as though restraining the impulse to hug them. Her gap-toothed smile reinforcing the urchin features of her face, but Jean was appalled at the changes she saw in the woman she'd thought of as a baby sister for many years. A half-healed burn puckered a palm's breadth of her bare bicep, the corded muscle underneath the healing skin bunching convulsively. Jubilee's normally trim physique had been pared of all excess, nearly skeletal beneath sinewy muscles. Her collarbones stood up in sharp contrast under the open neck of her sleeveless shirt, and a gun belt carrying a well-worn sidearm was slung diagonally across prominently pointed hipbones.

"Well, there your people are, safe as can be," Brial interrupted. "You may take them home at any time.'

Jean could feel Scott's irritation, but he concealed it from the Shi'ar woman. "Thank you, Commandant." He glanced at Sabretooth with some trepidation, but figured explanations could come later. "Anytime you're ready, Jube."

"Buddy, I've been ready for a looong time." Jubilee signaled to the four soldiers still watching them suspiciously, and they immediately picked up their gear and slung it over their shoulders. Turning back, she caught Scott's confused reaction, and saw it mirrored by Jean. She was perfectly still for the space of three heartbeats, then turned to the tall Shi'ar commandant.

"You didn't transmit my message, did you." Her voice was calm and even, but one did not have to be a psychic to feel the anger in Jubilee's voice.

Brial looked down her nose at the young woman who barely came to her shoulder. "I am not a messenger service."

"What, you couldn't break the encrypt?" Jean felt the flash of emotion from the young aide, and knew Jubilee had the truth of it. "I need to talk to them, privately. Please be so good as to give me a moment?" The polite tones abruptly disappeared from her voice. "You can wait over there."

Brial stiffened. "You can speak to them later. You must leave. Now."

The young Asian woman did not move, but her statement hardened and suddenly the air in the room seemed warmer, almost hot. "Lady, after these last few days, I have taken all the shit from you I'm gonna take. So either you back the hell off and give me five minutes, or we're gonna go down on this right here, right now."

"Jubilee," Scott murmured, warningly. He was completely ignored by both, though Jean knew Jubilee had heard him, and then dismissed him. The Shi'ar's long white hand moved towards her weapon, and Jubilee's palms came up. The air around Brial began to swirl in hot shimmers.

Brial's eyes narrowed. "You would not dare."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Deathbird will split me in half if I kill you." Jubilee replied with menacing sarcasm. "But in the meantime, you're still a crispy critter, and junior over there wakes up as a lieutenant tomorrow."

The deadly cold tones were shocking, as was the intense heat building around Brial. The aide's hand slid down to her own sidearm, and the soldiers behind Jubilee moved subtly as well. A high pitched whine sprang from several sources, one of them from the plasma rifle held in Creed's huge hands. The tension quickly built to a nerve jangling level.

It was at that moment Jean realized that Creed and Bishop both wore the X'ed circle stenciled on the front of their shirts, as did the four behind Jubilee.

<*Scott. The soldiers. They're hers.*>

Wordless confusion and concern returned through their link. <*They're following Jubilee?*>

<*Yes. I think・ I think ALL of them were hers.*> In her mind, the memory replayed of the dozens of warriors seen with the same symbol.

The tense tableau before them suddenly broke as Brial snapped "Very well," and stalked off, surreptitiously wiping the sweat from her lip and brow. The commandant was furious, but apparently unwilling to further the confrontation.

Scott waited while the Shi'ar woman removed herself from eavesdropping distance, using the moment to take a good long look at the youngest member of his team. The normally effervescent woman in front of him was still the same Jubilee, but the more he looked, the more changes he noticed. Her clothing was the same leather and rough spun fabric he'd seen on a lot of the soldiers in the compound. She did not sport the X'ed circle on her shirt, but instead wore a band, made of familiar blue and yellow fabric, to keep her wildly unkempt hair out of her face. The X-man symbol was centered on the top of her head, half hidden in the stray, raven-black locks. And sprinkled like tiny snowflakes, white hairs were strewn through her twenty-one year old head.

The scar on her face drew his attention further down, and on closer inspection he could see the tiny lines forming around her eyes that spoke of heartbreaking toil and tragedy. The eyes themselves were red-rimmed.

"When's the last time you got any sleep?" he asked roughly, furious with himself at misreading the situation. Something was definitely out of kilter, and it went far beyond having an old and deadly enemy backing up one of his people. When she paused, thinking, it was obvious that it had been some time. She shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. The long and the short of it is, these are my people. I've made arrangements for everyone else, either getting them new contracts or getting them back to their homes. These four," and she indicated the small group behind her, "they don't have anywhere else to go. And I'm not going to leave them to Brial's mercy, either. I want to take them back home with me."

Whoa, that got his attention.

"Jubilee, these are people, not some stray cats・." He broke off when she stepped up to his face, her own tense but her voice even.

"I know that. The twins are outcasts, and Chibar there is the last of his tribe. They have nowhere to go, and I will not abandon them. That's why I tried to send you that message." She paused, searching for words. "If you don't want them to come with us, then I'm staying here."

Scott's jaw twitched as he kept back a snapped reply. <*Jean?*> he appealed mentally. <*Is she serious?*>

<*Yes, she is. Deadly serious. And Scott・ *> she paused, and he knew she was feeling the emotional and psychic currents around her. <*Scott, if she isn't off this planet in a couple of hours, Brial will kill her.*>

Jubilee snorted. "Well, she can try," she added dryly.

A harsh laugh forced its way out of Cyclops' chest. Apparently her pyrotechnic powers weren't the only thing that had improved in the last six months. He eyed the young woman in front of him again. The absolute confidence was beyond bravado. It was a surety of a commander whose followers would back her move against the Shi'ar governor's chief officer, and he began to get an inkling of a much larger picture. Funny, when they arrived, he'd expected to have to bail Jubilee out of the local jail. Now, he wasn't sure if perhaps the lively individual they all loved hadn't been up to something far more monumental.

"Okay, let's go." The words were out of his mouth before he realized he'd even made the decision. "Him, too?" He indicated Creed, still standing shoulder to shoulder with Bishop.

"Yeah, him too. Thank you." The relief and utter sincerity in her tone caused him to look at her again. The dark indigo eyes were much older than the eight months could account for.

"You have a tale to tell, missy."

The scarred side of her face curved into a lopsided smile. "That I do, One-Eye," she shot back.

Part 2

It was a short walk from the planetary shuttle to where the Blackbird waited in the massive hanger of the Shi'ar Destroyer. The gantry lowered itself on command, and Scott stood by as Jean handled the thank-yous. He was aware of his wife working her diplomatic skills with the grace and tact of years of experience, but his attention was focused on the smaller woman behind her. He watched as Jubilation Lee approached the Shi'ar pilot who'd lifted them from the planet's surface. The man clasped her wrist in his own large palm and leaned over to whisper something in her ear. Whatever it was, it made Jube laugh, and she smacked him on the shoulder in a gesture he'd seen old soldiers use, one that he'd used himself on veteran teammates. Eight months ago, Jubilee had been a college student. Scott wasn't sure what she was now, but the entire situation left an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Behind Jubilee, a handful of tattered warriors waited for their captain to finish chatting up the local pilot. Even Bishop and Creed, and Scott's lip wanted to curl at the utter wrongness of that, waited with the patience of well trained dogs. And as the young woman nodded to the Shi'ar official and followed Jean to the steps leading up to their ship, the six of them automatically moved out to flank her like a roiling cloak in her wake.

She had introduced each of her people to him and Jean during the hour-long journey from the garrison to the space center, then the shuttle ride up to the orbiting ship. Chibar, the tall, stooped-looking older man with dark brown on brown mottled skin, had been a history teacher before the revolution. Now he was the repository of a history for a clan that no longer existed. The twins, whose real names he could not begin to pronounce but answered readily to Jubilee's affectionate Tweedle and Dee, were of medium height with light olive skin. The brother, Tweedle, was half a head taller than his sister, and they could have come from the Mediterranean sector on Earth if it weren't for their dark blue hair. The last was a straggly teen boy who preferred Jubilee's nickname of Tommy. The boy had blonde hair over soulful green eyes and skin, and judging by the wrists and knobby ankles visible below the hemline of his clothing, Tommy was hitting a growth spurt that threatened to take! him well over six feet tall. Scott's scrutiny at last fell on the two giants at the back of the line. Bishop was an old and trusted friend, but Victor Creed was another matter entirely. So far, the hulking man had opened his mouth exactly once, and shut it promptly at a look from the petite Asian girl.

Ironically, the journey from Shi'ar space to the Sol system was over by the time he'd finished the pre-flight checklist and had the engines started, thanks to the Empire's advanced technology. The native soldiers settled into the last four seats in the jet, but not one of the ten passenger seats had been designed for a man as large as Sabretooth. He overflowed his space and imposed on the slight woman next to him. Scott had to hide a grin; he'd never expected to see Jubilee pat Victor Creed on the knee to sooth his nerves.

"Hang on, people," Scott announced. "We'll be dropped off outside Earth's orbit, so it'll be a few hours before we hit atmosphere."

Jean was a comforting presence at his side as they ran through the familiar sequence of engine startup and flight planning. When they were safely on their way, the destroyer a rapidly disappearing blip in the instruments, Jean murmured something about coffee and contacting the professor, and left the small cockpit.

<*Jean. Send Bishop up here, please? It's time for some answers.*>

Her familiar mental voice answered back on their private connection. <*I agree.*>

Within minutes, a large hand offered a cup of black gold, and he sipped it gratefully as the dark tattooed man settled into the co-pilot's seat. Outwardly, the only change visible in Bishop was the clothing. He was still stoic as a rock wall and nearly as calm, sipping his own coffee with eyes focused on the miniscule green planet barely visible through the canopy.

Scott took a breath and blew the steam away from his cup, glad the gravity generated by their engines allowed the use of cups rather than the zero-G baggies. Drinking hot beverages through a straw was just plain painful.

"So," he started, knowing Bishop would not volunteer anything. "What happened?"


"Yeah, we figured that out."

Bishop quickly outlined the beginning of their adventure - the standard recruiting mission to contact a Los Angeles teen, a short demonstration of Jubilee's power, and her description of the re-opened Massachusetts School. Stumbling across Creed as he left a bar, the half-hearted exchange of insults that would have likely ended in both sides walking away if Gateway had not appeared, sucking the three of them into a universe light-centuries away.

"When we found ourselves in a forest, it was Jubilee who convinced Creed to cease hostilities while we explored our surroundings. We found a small village, and Jubilee went in to recon. When she returned, she was.. annoyed."

"Annoyed, huh?" Scott could just imagine.

"I believe, 'We're in bumfuck Shi'ar, dudes!' were her exact words." The stubbled lip twitched slightly, the closest Bishop ever came to smile.

"We returned to the village, hoping to make contact with a Shi'ar official and somehow get word back to you and the Professor in New York, when the village was attacked by rebels of the Gui'vos." He paused for a moment. "Are you familiar with the political situation there?"

Scott shifted in his seat. "Typical Shi'ar expansion - they don't really care whether they're welcome or not."

Bishop considered, then backtracked. "The planet has been in an agricultural and industrial stage, but the political system is still in strong feudal control. Through religion and a strong basis of tradition, the ruling party, the Gui'vos, has not fluctuated in centuries. The Shi'ar introduced change to this system."

"And the traditional lords didn't like it," Scott guessed.

"No." the larger man replied flatly. "The remaining ruling class has stirred a revolution of sorts. The rebels were not widely popular, but the traditional obedience is deeply ingrained. They were financing themselves through a lucrative slave trade.

"The attack on the village was intended to capture more slaves. They were not anticipating any opposition, and our presence in the village was ・ unexpected." Once again, Bishop displayed his talent for understatement.

"The attackers were defeated, and I understand we were hailed as heroes by the local people. Unfortunately, I was injured during the fighting, and have few memories of what happened."

Scott frowned in concern. "What do you remember?"

Bishop hesitated. "Creed wanted Jubilee to leave me to die. I.. I told Jubilee to leave me as well. I did not believe I would recover."

Scott examined the big man's torso more critically, but did not notice any indications of grave injuries.

"Jubilee refused to leave me, despite Creed's threats. He tried to force her to go with him, knowing she was his passport home, and I was unable to protect her."

"How did she change his mind?" Scott asked, intrigued.

"She found his heart."

Cyclops opened his mouth, but for several moments, nothing came out. "Are-are you telling me・" Scott could hear himself stuttering. "Sabretooth is in love with her?"

Bishop looked at him strangely. "No. She ruptured his lungs and heart with a plasma burst and put a hole in his pericardium."

"Oh," he muttered, feeling foolish. "Wait a minute. Jube took down Sabretooth?"

A wolfish grimace creased the dark man's face, quickly gone. "More than once."

"Wow." No other words came to mind. He had never considered a pinpoint attack on the hairy mutant in the back of the Blackbird, he didn't have that kind of control. Of course, Sabretooth getting that close wasn't usually healthy, either.

"Then what?"

"The village was in disarray, the elders of the village killed. Jubilee took command."

"Until you were back on your feet?"

Dark eyes peered into Scott's visor, trying to convey something. "I am a soldier, Cyclops. I am no leader. And Creed is an animal without discipline. Jubilation Lee, however, is more than you have ever guessed at."

When Scott made no reply, Bishop continued with his narrative. "The village had a healer, and he was able to save many of the gravely wounded, including myself. The survivors wanted to journey to a larger town for safety, and we soon realized we were in the center of the war zone. After two days of traveling, we came across a caravan of slaves being sent into rebel controlled territory to be sold.

"We had no intention of taking on the slavers until Jubilee heard a child, crying in the tail of the caravan. I still have no idea how she talked Creed into backing her up, but between them they destroyed the caravan and freed the captives. And we became an army."

"An army?" he echoed, questioningly.

"You are familiar with the historical figure of Spartacus?"

Scott thought for a minute. "Roman slave, became a general and nearly destroyed the Empire?"

"Something like that. If the Shi'ar officials knew of the legend, they would have killed us all instantly. The symbol we adopted, " and he tapped the circled X on his chest, "has become a third political option between the old regime and absorption by the Shi'ar Empire. And Jubilation Lee and her army have become a symbol of freedom for the entire planet."

Silence fell in the cockpit as Scott processed the information he'd heard. Jubilee, the firecracker spirit who loved junk food and vying with Bobby over who could create the most outrageous practical jokes, involved in a ragtag army of ex-slaves. Leading an army. Good god, no wonder Brial had wanted her off the planet, but was afraid to kill her.

"You should be very proud of her, Cyclops. She has utilized your training with great efficiency."

He nodded, but his assumptions were busy realigning themselves. "Bishop, when you first came to the mansion, you recognized Jubilee's name."


"But you never told us anything about our future, her future・ why not?"

The larger man was slow in answering. "It was not my place to tell you your future or hers. And, after my time stream was lost, there seemed little point in muddying the future to come with expectations that may or may not come true." The wolfish grin reappeared, showing more emotion that Cyclops had ever seen on the man's face. "But I will tell you, from what I've seen in the last eight months, I am in no way disappointed."


While Bishop went forward with coffee for Scott, Jean focused on their passengers. Jubilee's four soldiers were talking quietly, eyes already drooping, and she could feel the utter exhaustion radiating from them. Jubilee was no better, but her high strung anticipation was keeping her jittery. She'd moved across the aisle to allow Creed to stretch out, but her bubbly emotions were almost painfully distracting. Jean rearranged her shields to deflect the nervous energy the younger woman was emitting, and mentally reached out to her mentor's familiar signature.

Contact was established quickly, and she could see in her mind's eye where he sat in Cerebro's familiar embrace, reaching back to her. His utter relief at their successful retrireview did not waver when she explained the addition of Jubilee's strays, but his reaction to Victor Creed's presence was more puzzled than alarmed.

<*If Jubilee felt it was imperative to bring her people with her, then I will not argue with her motivations. I'm simply glad that everyone is safe.*>

<*They may be safe, Professor, but I'm not sure that Jubilee hasn't been permanently harmed by her ordeal.*>

<*Has she used the term 'ordeal,' Jean?*>

<*No, but I'm worried.*>

<*I'll speak to her when she arrives. I'm more anxious to see if her telepathic abilities have

manifested as we'd once hoped.*>

Jean roused from her telepathic trance and stretched out in the seat. Nearly twenty hours had passed since they had left on this mission, and she'd had only a few catnaps. Smiling at her own pun, she checked on the passengers behind her. The four in the back were out, and Creed was close, but Jubilee still vibrated with energy. She wasn't surprised to see a dark mop of hair hanging in the aisle, with a pair of boots propped on the back of the seat.

"I want . . . "Jubilee drawled.

A low growl rumbled from the opposite seat, cutting off when a crumpled paper wad shot across the aisle from Jubilee's side.

"I want . . ." she repeated demandingly. "I want a hot fudge sundae."

"Go to sleep, boss."

"Can't sleep, I'm too wired. I want・ a hot tub."

A grumbling sigh came from the other side. "I wanna whiskey. A whole freakin' bottle."

"I want a cheeseburger."

"I wanna steak. From something that used to moo," he clarified. From the sound of it, this was a pastime they'd indulged in often.

"I want a manicure."

"I wanna drive a car. Sick of those camels."

"I want a new pair of jeans."

"I want a real hairbrush." A chuckle came from Jubilee's side. "Hey, you get this much hair on ya, you try combin' it out."

"Umm. I want shampoo, and hair gel, and deodorant."

"Ya smell fine. I want a new pair of boots."

"I want a real bed, with sheets and a quilt."

"I want a real bed with a real woman in it."

"Oh, yeah," Jubilee laughed. "Like you went dry."

"All right, how about a human woman in it?"

"Can't help ya there, Sabey baby."

Jean nearly choked when she heard the nickname fall casually from Jubilee's mouth. Silence stretched out in the cabin.

"So, you gotta guy back home, wondering where you been? Back at college?"

"Nope. Only thing waiting for me at college is a bunch of incompletes, but I'm not going back there. The first time some professor tells me it's critical I get an assignment done, I'd probably laugh myself sick. What about you? Got a girlfriend?"

"Nah." Jean heard the seat protest as Creed shifted. "What about the runt?"

"Well, yeah, I'm sure he's been worried."

"Not what I meant. I always thought you two were gettin' it on."

"Gee, I'm really touched you were worried about my love life, there." The dry sarcasm was rampant.

"Hey, messin' with you was always the easiest way to get a rise out of him. Figured he had a thing for ya."

"Vic, you mess with Wolvie, I will kill you." No sarcasm this time.

"Yeah, boss, I know. Tell ya what, if the runt don't get his head out of his ass, I'll take ya."

A giggle greeted this unromantic proposal. "Oh, be still my beating heart."

A genuine chuckle came from the huge man, a sound Jean had never heard in her life from the vicious Sabretooth. "Go to sleep, boss."

Part Three

After several hours Cyclops announced re-entry preparations, and Jean began to wake the passengers. Creed opened his eyes the moment she came into view, so she focused instead on Jubilee, stretched out just opposite. She smiled fondly at the sleeping form. Arms crossed and tucked under each other, huddled against the back of the two-person seat, Jubilee looked like a teenager again. The scar on her cheek was hidden as her head lolled against the lumpy pack being used as a pillow.

"Jubilee," she called softly, reaching down to the thin shoulder. Suddenly, a huge hand wrapped around Jean's own arm and yanked her away.

"Not a good idea, Red," rumbled Creed. His golden yellow eyes were slitted with amusement, and Jean fought the tremble of fear as he drew her back towards him. She could blast him into the bulkheads if he tried anything, but the man released her arm and reached out a toe to the feet hanging off the edge of the bench.

"Boss. Wake up." He nudged the sole of Jubilee's foot.

In a breathtaking instant, Jubilee was on her feet, a white-hot ball of plasma in her open palm, her body tense as a drawn bow. She blinked at Jean twice, then squelched the sizzling display with an audible pop. "Are we home?" she asked around a sudden yawn.

The hair trigger response robbed Jean of all coherent thought. The last time she'd seen Jubilee, the girl was a junior in college and recovering from a broken relationship with the help of hot fudge and ice cream. The woman in front of her had the reflexes of a combat soldier, and the starvation lean muscles in her arms and neck flexed and relaxed as she stretched sleepily. She focused on the older woman with affection and concern.

"Jean? You okay?"

Jean shook off her surprise. "I'm fine, Jubilee. We'll be landing soon. You need to get strapped in."

"Cool." Again Jubilee surprised her by giving the massive Creed a high-five slap. "Goin' home, Vic!"

The entire team was waiting when the Blackbird settled onto the concrete pad. Bobby was the first to sweep in and envelop his partner in crime in a massive hug, with Gambit right behind. Peppered questions and relief-filled laughter rang out in the hanger. Jubilee pulled herself away and gave a quick hug to Xavier before launching herself at the short man who lifted her off the ground in his exuberant hug. Wolverine finally released her, and she rejoined her men and started making introductions. The four strays listened gravely to the recitation of the team members, and nodded as Jubilee named them.

"And I think you all know Victor," she ended dryly, indicating the tall blond. He flashed a toothy response.

She turned to Bishop, then abruptly turned back and took a single step towards Psylocke in the rear of the crowd.

"Betsy," she called commandingly, and the group stilled. The raven-haired Hand assassin startled as she realized Jubilee had picked up on her psychic protest to the Professor.

"Vic answers to me if he messes with any of you. And if you mess with him, then you answer to me as well."

"Jubilee, Betsy is only concerned・" Xavier began in a placating tone.

"With all due respect, Professor, I believe I've made myself perfectly clear."

The stern lines of Jubilee's thin face could have been carved of stone, and Xavier nodded gravely. "Yes, you're quite right. Mr. Creed, you are welcome here. You are all welcome, and we're very glad to have our family together again. However, it is late, and I understand you've had a very hard week. Accommodations have been made on the second floor for everyone. Dr. McCoy will want to give you all physicals in the morning, I'm sure, and . . . "

<*My apologies, Jean,*> came Xavier's telepathic voice to Jean Gray as his physical voice continued, multi-tasking his concentration with the ease of years. <*I'd considered the idea that you were exaggerating the changes in our young friend. Now, I believe, we may have underestimated the case. Tell me, do you think she can hear us now?*>

<*I doubt it, Professor. She told me she's limited by physical proximity and active shields. Psylocke didn't bother to shield just now, but Jubilee has not picked up on anything Scott and I have discussed since I took the same precautions.*>

They watched Jubilee lead her team through the tunnel to the main house, maintaining their link to each other. Victor Creed and Bishop brought up the rear, followed by the rest of the team.

<*Before we landed, Jubilee told me that Creed will not want to join us, but was willing to stay here under her command. I was sure he'd bolt as soon as we landed, but he seems・ I don't know, genuinely attached to her. Not romantically, but spiritually.*>

<*Yes, I agree. He has pledged his loyalty to her. No small accomplishment for so young a woman, although age has never been a consideration for Jubilee.*>

<*Professor, she's been an X-man since she was twelve. The question is, what do we do with him?*>

Several moments passed before her mentor responded. <*I don't know, Jean. We will have to wait and see how things settle. I have the beginnings of an idea, but I'm not sure how well it will be received.*>

Only by promising a full disclosure the next day did Jubilee manage to get her people barracked before midnight. She told Vic to behave himself, asked Bishop to keep an eye on him, then disappeared into her old bathroom with an armful of bath products and threatened dire consequences to anyone who interrupted her for any reason.

Wolverine chuckled at her priorities, but wished her good night and let himself out of the house by the side door. The other's scent caught his attention immediately, but he waited until he got his cigar lit and shook out the match before turning to the huge man standing in the shadows of the house, staring up at the sky.

Victor inhaled hugely, then let out the breath with a whoosh. "Never thought I'd miss something stupid like the stars." Logan glanced at them casually, but kept his attention on the killer before him.

Creed's nose twitched suddenly as he caught the smell of tobacco burning. His large frame twitched with sudden craving. "Got any more of those?" Logan considered it, then pulled another cigar from his shirt pocket and tossed it across the grass. The taller man caught it, then the lighter, with a growl of anticipation.

"I owe ya one."

"You owe Jube one," Wolverine corrected flatly.

Creed was quiet for a moment. "More 'n one."

"You really comin' to heel?"

A light snarl rose through the air. "I gave her my word. Not takin' it back."

"Your word ain't worth spit, not to me. I wanna know why."

"None a yer business."

"I'm making it my business. Jube's my responsibility."

Creed laughed, easily, blowing out the cigar smoke.

"Boss ain't no little girl anymore, runt. Blood an' bones, she a warrior. I'll give ya credit, though. You taught her pretty good."

"So she kicked yer butt, big deal. Why does that mean you do what she says?"

The silence stretched so long, Logan wasn't sure Creed was going to answer him.

"Camp got raided one night. Things got crazy fer a while an' I took some hits. I been that bad before, but at least I was on my own planet.

"Then Pint Size starts slapping me around, telling me to die on my own time, 'cause she owned my ass. I got up, and she dragged me out of the line o' fire. I came to, she's lying next to me in the grass - half dead and still got my shirt in her fist."

Creed's shaggy head shook slightly. "I work with pros, runt. I ain't part a yer little clubhouse, here, and she got more reasons to see me dead than to keep me alive. But she did, and more than once." He paused, then snarled lightly. "Shit, what do you want me to say?"

The tip of the cigar glowed brightly as he drew hard on it. "She owns me. That's all there is to it."

Logan wasn't convinced, but he detected no lies in the man's familiar, hateful scent. He finished his cigar in silence and stubbed it out in the concrete flowerpot, it's plants long dead from similar mistreatment. "Lock the door when you come back in."


The faint sound of a door shutting brought Logan awake. The clock said it was ungodly early, but the floor creaks echoed in an unfamiliar stealthy stride. He rolled onto his feet and opened his bedroom door to see what he had half expected.

Pillow lines on her face, Jubilee flashed him a broken-toothed grin, but he did not miss the even balance of her feet or the expectant tension in her bare legs under the short terrycloth robe. Even as he watched, she relaxed into the casual slouch he was more familiar with.

"You expecting trouble, Wolvie?"

He shrugged. "Just heard something. What're you doing up?"

"Checking on my people, making sure everything's okay." Her smile turned wistful as she drew her fingers across the carved wooden door trim. "Making sure this isn't a dream."

Logan nodded. "Know what ya mean. I been real worried about ya, kid." The shadows in her eyes drew him across the hall and he folded her into another hug. She rested her forehead on his shoulder for a brief moment.

"I've been kinda worried about me too."

Logan stroked her hair behind one ear and held her close for several long moments. The solid reality of her felt damned good. Finally he patted her awkwardly on the shoulder. "Wanna talk about it?"

He expected her to say no, was prepared for it, but she surprised him by nodding. "Sure. Grab a couple of beers and meet me on the roof."

Five minutes later he'd added a pair of jeans and a flannel shirt to his boxers, but didn't bother to button the shirt. He found a couple of bottles in the bachelor fridge in his room, and even if they were several months old, it was still beer. If the oddity of drinking old beer on the roof at five in the morning didn't bother Jubilee, then it sure didn't bother him.

She was waiting for him, a pair of someone else's jeans blousing large on her narrow hips, and as he handed her the bottle, the physical changes in her hit Logan as hard as it had the others. She opened it and saluted his with a small clink before draining a good third of it.

"Didn't think you liked beer all that much," he commented as he tasted his own.

"College student, remember? We live for beer." She took another sip. "Actually, no, I didn't use to. But you drink resjia for a couple of months." She faked a shudder, but not by much.

"What is it?" he asked, dubious.

"Closest I can come to describing it would be・ kimchee juice and everclear, with a dash of grapefruit juice. Served warm."


"You know it," she chuckled, then leaned back on the slight slope to stare at the gradually paling horizon.

"I used to dream about this," she said, after a moment. "Nightmares, I guess. I'd think I was home, or back at school, stressing over a test. Then I'd wake up." The bottle gurgled slightly as she took another drink. "That was the real nightmare, waking up. Knowing it wasn't over."

Wolverine was silent for a moment. "I'm sorry you had to go through that, Jube. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

"Don't be," she replied softly. "I'm glad you weren't there, Logan. You wouldn't have liked it, and you and Vic would have killed each other."

He grunted. "I'm still havin' trouble with the whammy you put on him. Can you trust him?"

"Of course not," she replied. "But I trust him enough to know he'll hit the road before he goes too nuts." He raised an eyebrow at the assurance in her voice, but let it pass without comment.

They sat companionably for a while, until Jubilee's quiet voice finally broke the silence. "When everything started, I was so sure the gang would figure out what happened, or else Gateway would send us home again. I finally realized you guys didn't have a clue where we were, that we were on our own."

A massive yawn hit her out of nowhere, and she settled into a more comfortable position. "I got mad at you, a few times. Stupid, I know."

"Because I didn't come get you?" he asked, steeling himself, but she shook her head.

"Because you never told me how easy it was to kill people, after a while."

He turned to look at her, and she looked back steadily. "I hated that part. I'd puke and cry and I really hated myself, and you, and especially Gateway." A rueful smile twisted her mouth. "I know you're expecting me to lose it and cry on ya. Don't worry. I've been there, done that, and bought the tacky souvenirs. Do people still use that statement?" She laughed lightly, then paused. "I think・ I think even Vic got tired of the killing."

"God, Jubes.."

"Don't. You saved me, Wolvie. I mean it, you really did."

Logan took a shuddering breath. "How?"

"Do you remember that night you showed me the Yashida clan sword?" Jubilee looked out over the grounds, her face pale and calm in the dawning light. A light breeze toyed with the small wings of hair still tousled from her sleep. "You told me how they made the swords, how the craftmasters would heat the steel, and beat on it, and fold it over and beat it some more."


"Yeah. Tempering. You told me it was the strongest steel ever made, and it would last for centuries. So that's what I was. I was being tempered." Her face turned towards him again. "And I am. I'm okay."

The first true light broke over the grounds and she raised her face to the sun, the bright rays highlighting the scar on her face. He could see the strength and inner balance of her, the lethal potential in a beautiful, lean package. He could almost understand how Creed would give his allegiance to this woman.

He just wished he knew who this woman was.


She nodded, smiling, eyes still closed in pure appreciation of the moment. The last of her beer disappeared in a long swallow and she settled back and started spinning a story about Creed, a camel-like creature, and his first attempt to ride one which ended up with them having to eat it for dinner. Logan was still chuckling when he realized she'd dozed off, a slight curve remaining on her lips. He let her sleep, and no one came looking for either of them for two more hours.


The morning was spent in silly moments and profound silences as Jubilee settled her team into their new home, but the planned debriefing was postponed at the Professor's request. Bishop moved back into his room with a minimum of fuss, but Jubilee's college apartment and all her belongings had been packed into boxes after her disappearance. She and the girl named Dee had a giggly girl fest going through the clothes, trying things on and making a list of necessities. Her other dependents were given a crash course orientation on the mansion, the grounds, and local culture. Plans were tentatively laid for education and assimilation.

Dr. McCoy gave each of them a cursory physical, but needed no explanation when Jubilee insisted on going first, while Dee watched, and afterwards stayed and let Dee hold her hand with bone crushing fierceness as the teenager endured her own the brief exam. Afterwards, he entered Jubilee's terse explanation in the medical records he started.

When his turn came, Creed smirked and bared a huge barrel chest with a hairy expanse that rivaled Hank's own. A small starburst of naked white skin showed in the center.

"I didn't think you scarred, Mr. Creed." Hank commented.

Thick talons scratched at the spot idly. "Not usually. It's healin', though. Oughta be gone in a coupla months."

"Battle wound?" Hank queried, noting it in the record.

"Nah. Object lesson."

A blue eyebrow raised. Creed grinned at him, sharply curved canines glinting. "Lee said I wasn't paying attention."

Hank's favorite statement popped into his head. On second examination, the scar was not a starburst. It was a handprint.

"I see," he temporized. "And did she get your attention, then?"

"Oh, yeah."

While Hank kept Creed busy in the med lab, a summit was called in the Professor's office. Scott and Ororo, as leaders of the two teams, were present with Bishop as head witness. Wolverine invited himself, and no one was willing to attempt to eject him. Scott was reaching to close the door when Jubilee entered silently and perched on the windowsill, one foot on the opposite side of the frame. Her right leg hung down, the energy pistol in a worn leather holster strapped around her gaunt thigh. Scott gave it a frown.

"Jubilee, is it really necessary to wear that here?"

Not bothering to reply, Jubilee simply smiled and gave Bishop's over-the-shoulder shotgun a significant look, and Scott tried a more direct tactic. "We had not intended - it's really not necessary for you to attend this meeting."

"Too bad, Cyclops. If this is about Vic, then I'm here."

He yielded the on both points and resumed the matter at hand. Within minutes, she was pacing the floor. "No, I can't guarantee he won't flip out. I'm 95% sure of him, though. He knows the door is open, and if he stays here, it's by his choice. He also knows that if he acts up, I'll take care of him."

"Acts up," Scott echoed with disbelief.

"How can you be sure, Jubilee?" asked Storm, her white brows frowning in concern. "He's a killer, and he's got a history of irrational behavior and berserk episodes. Unlike Wolverine, he has no tie to you, so you can't be sure you can talk him down."

"You're wrong. He does have a tie to me." She stopped pacing and tried to explain her gut instincts. "It took me a while to figure it out, but Vic's really not a loner. He deals with things better in a pack mentality. Right, Professor?"

Xavier steepled his fingers. "Your simile is flawed, Jubilee, but essentially you are correct. Mr. Creed's violent nature has not abated substantially, but his psyche is no longer as chaotic. He now has a focus, and that focus centers on Jubilee. She is his Lionne Reine."

"Which brings up another question. Why would a man like Creed accept Jubilee as a superior?" Scott asked. "He could break her in half, and he's got a history of trying. I'm sorry, we simply can't trust him."

"Scott, Vic's mine. Just like my hand, or my powers, or my gun. He belongs to me."

"So, what, are we supposed to give him a uniform and say, hey, welcome to the team?"

His thick sarcasm was unusual, and Jubilee let him settle before she answered. "No. He'll never follow your orders. But he'll follow mine, because he respects me in a way he'll never respect you."

The red sunglasses glowed with her leader's controlled irritation. "And why is that?"

Jubilee hesitated, then raised her chin. "Because. If it comes down to it, you'll hesitate to kill. And I won't."

Shocked silence fell in the room.

"I can't believe you just said that," Scott murmured.

"Don't get me wrong, Cyclops. I still respect the dream. I still believe that life is sacred, that X-men are not supposed to kill. But when it comes down to them or me, in a combat situation, I pick me. I chose me and mine over some asshole who's trying to blow my head off."

"And that makes Creed respect you?"

"'Fraid so. Vic has seen me kill, and he knows I'll kill to protect him, just as he knows you won't."

"You say that word so easily."

"What, kill? It's just a word, Cyke."

Scott shook his head. "What happened to you, Jubilee?" It was just an idle question, but the room was suddenly stifling, with too many people watching what should have been a private moment between her and the man she considered both her leader and a father figure.

Wordlessly, she reached out a mental touch to Xavier, who helped her fledgling psychic ability project to the man in front of her, and, almost as an afterthought, the other occupants in the room.

The memory rolled hard and solid into their minds as she took them with her, and as one they felt the damp earth squelch under her boots as she moved from the cooking fires to the barely intact stone barn she and the other soldiers had barracked in for the time being. They saw a man approach her, the son of a local lord who had tried to charm his way into her bed and therefore, her newly surfaced ability had revealed, the command of the people around her. She'd brushed off his advances, frustrating his bid for power, and things were tense between them.

Collectively the others saw the fist swinging towards her, felt the impact on her arm as she deflected the blow, then the charge of his broad shoulder catching her in the ribs and taking her down to the slick beaten path. The stench of his breath as he called her a witch and a whore, the strain of muscles as she fought back, getting apart enough to land a solid kick. The other soldiers and the camp followers and the refugees she'd sought to protect came running, gathering in a loose circle, all of them waiting to see the outcome of the attempted coup instead of coming to her aid -- all of them past the veneer of civilization to a brutal survival mentality that acknowledged only the strongest among them as leader.

Her teammates all felt the moment her stomach dropped and she realized this had to be done without her mutant abilities, or else the crowd of refugees would always doubt she could have won without being a witch, and the vicious fight that followed. Finally getting in a series of punches and kicks on a man that outweighed her, outreached her, and laying him out with a combination that sent him staggering into the crowd and onto his belly, momentarily stunned.

"It's over," she announced, wiping the stinging salt from her eyes. The beaten man nodded sullenly, and slowly got off the ground. He was waiting, though, and the moment her attention slipped he lunged at her with a roar and swung the glaive he'd appropriated from one of the spectators. Less than an ax, but so much more than a cleaver, she whirled and recoiled almost in time. The sharp edge missed all but the curve of her cheek, laying it open for inches down her face before it spanged off her tooth with a sickening snap. She ducked, backpedaled frantically, then a spatha was spinning through the air. She snatched it from the air and parried in a move that left even Logan disconcerted.

In the small, cozy, book-lined room each person felt the stab of cold air in the open wound, tasted the blood as she spat it out, and felt the burning muscles and protesting body as she fought for her life. Logan especially recognized the rage, burning and narrowing the world to the clang of weapons and grunts of effort, the physical strain of fending off a punishing assault as she searched for an opening. The one moment that stretched indefinitely as the opening was seen, taken, and the sudden hot rush of blood over her hands. The faint surprise in eyes so close to hers, fading out as the body sagged and what was once a living being slid off her weapon and landed with a thump on the ground.

She spat more blood out, feeling the broken stub of the tooth with her tongue and fierce beating of her heart in her chest. Feeling an emotion that had nothing to do with exultation, but only relief that she was the one standing and not lying on the ground.

"Anybody else?" she shouted harshly, eyeing the silent circle of people. Creed and Bishop moved up behind her, more felt than seen, and a snarl split the air as her one-time enemy echoed her challenge. One man at the front of the crowd met her eyes.

"Lee!" he bellowed, and thumped his chest with a fist.

"Lee!" two others shouted, echoing the salute, then others took it up, shouting her name in a ferocious rhythmic cadence and parting like a wheat field before her as she stalked through the crowd to the town well. A local boy ran to pull up the bucket for her, the hero worship in his eyes turning her stomach as blood dripped steadily from her chin and from the short sword in her hand. And behind her, Sabretooth's triumphant, dominant roar gave voice to the fierce emotion in her own silent throat.

Scott staggered as the vision faded, putting one hand out to the desk to steady himself. Even Xavier looked stunned. After a moment he reached out gently to her, and when she granted permission, took a long look through her memories, noting the scars and the ragged bits of her mind which were still raw in spots, but showed signs of healing. Nothing jabbed at him, no screams echoed in the distance of her mind-scape. The constant low-grade worry for the warriors she'd left behind and the concern for people who had depended on her still nagged, as did the painful memories of those who'd died. But her self-image as a tempered sword came to light, and he nodded in agreement.

"Creed stays, as long as Jubilee grants him parole. The others will need time to assimilate."

Scott nodded, still shaky from the sensory overload.

"Jubilee, I leave the disposition of your people in your hands. They're welcome to stay here as long as necessary."

"Thank you, Professor."